A Free Weekly Planner for Church Leaders! - Grow Youth & Kids Ministry Curriculum

A Free Weekly Planner for Church Leaders!

In this post, here’s what we’ll cover:

Content Lists
Why it's so important to plan your week as a ministry leader!
Four key things you should always plan ahead each week.
How our free 2024 Weekly Planner can help you be a little bit more awesome this year!

In ministry, it can sometimes feel like the only “routine” we have each week is planning to be surprised. We sit down to plan our teaching calendar when — surprise! A volunteer stops by the office for a chat. Or maybe you’re getting ready to send your monthly parent email when a family needs your help. There are all sorts of reasons why our attention can be pulled from important parts of our ministry. And most often, these urgent needs override everything we planned to work on.

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve served in ministry — the urgent needs never stop. They’re simply a part of serving, leading, and working alongside people. The last-minute meetings, conversations, and shopping trips for supplies are an important part of your ministry. That doesn’t mean they need to disrupt your entire plan for the week, though. You can plan your week and make space for whatever surprises come knocking on your office door right before lunch. That’s why we made you a Weekly Planner, just for church leaders! And it’s free!

Free PDF Resource
A Free Weekly Planner for Church Leaders!

Inside the 2024 Weekly Planner, you can keep track of key parts of your week. On each page, you’ll be cued to write down the most vital information for your upcoming week, like …

  • Key takeaways.
  • Weekly outcomes.
  • Action items.
  • And people you want to connect with.

But because we really want to help you grow, both in your faith and in your leadership, we’ve also included on every page …

  • A weekly tip for working with kids, teenagers, or family ministry.
  • A Scripture passage to think about. (And if you’re using Grow Curriculum in your ministry, these verses are connected to what’s being taught in that week!)

You can get the free PDF of the Weekly Planner right now. There are three versions you can choose from:

  1. The Children’s Ministry Weekly Planner
  2. The Youth Ministry Weekly Planner
  3. The Family Ministry Weekly Planner

And if you decide you’d rather not print the planner yourself, you can get your Weekly Planner on Amazon for Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Family Ministry, or all three! So, whether you’re looking to level up your weekly planning, track your goals and outcomes, or just start planning your week, go snag your free 2024 Weekly Planner today!

Free PDF Resource
A Free Weekly Planner for Church Leaders!

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