Imagine this ... You've got a brand new volunteer ready to...

Imagine this ... You've got a brand new volunteer ready to...
What's one of the best ways to show someone you care about them? You spend...
Once in a while, we'll ask a whole bunch of church leaders this question:...
Once in a while, we'll ask a whole bunch of church leaders this question:...
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In youth ministry, most of our time is spent getting to know our teenagers. We'll talk about the Big Idea of the message that week, their hobbies and interests, or try to keep up with what's trending online. For a lot of us, conversations with teenagers feel natural....
As ministry leaders, we don't always have time to pause and reflect. But even if those moments don't happen very often, we've probably all had a moment when we looked around at everything that keeps us so busy and wondered... "Why doesn't it seem like this is...
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Events are the backbone of youth ministry. Every year, youth pastors work hard to create great events that do a few things... Get teenagers to foster relationships. Welcome new teenagers into the church or ministry Give teenagers a safe place to have fun. Events can...
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