Kids Ministry Resources | Grow Curriculum
5 Ways to Celebrate Advent with Kids

5 Ways to Celebrate Advent with Kids

The Christmas season is a time for sharing memories, gathering with our loved ones, and a few last-minute trips to the store to buy those gifts you forgot about. But anyone who has ever wrapped a gift for a kid knows Christmas is more than just a single day. The...



The Four Spiritual Habits for Kids

The Four Spiritual Habits for Kids

If you're an adult (or even a "professional" Christian), then the idea of spiritual habits is probably pretty familiar to you. Spiritual disciplines, quiet time, devotions... whatever you call it, you've probably established a few rhythms in your...

5 Apps for Children’s Ministry

5 Apps for Children’s Ministry

Hey, we get it. This title probably came as a bit of a surprise to you. Apps and children's ministry? That doesn't make sense. And ... you'd be right. We're not here to advocate for kids having access to phones at a certain age. That's a choice for...

4 Fresh New Kids’ Discipleship Activities from Grow Kids Volume 7

4 Fresh New Kids’ Discipleship Activities from Grow Kids Volume 7

When it comes to helping kids grow in their faith, we believe there are four spiritual habits to target. These habits are the decisions, behaviors, and rhythms that help us grow spiritually over time. If you're like most people, when you hear "spiritual habit" you...

Free Resource! Learn Your Ministry Strengths (And How to Grow!)

Free Resource! Learn Your Ministry Strengths (And How to Grow!)

As ministry leaders, we don't always have time to pause and reflect. But even if those moments don't happen very often, we've probably all had a moment when we looked around at everything that keeps us so busy and wondered... "Why doesn't it seem like this is...

Steal Our Ministry Strategy—Free Online Training

Steal Our Ministry Strategy—Free Online Training

Have you ever been told you need a "strategy" for your youth ministry? You do need a strategy, but sometimes, when people talk about their ministry "strategy," they're not talking about strategy at all. Instead, they're talking about... A goal they want to reach. A...

Responding to Kids in Crisis

Responding to Kids in Crisis

If we asked you to share your favorite memories from ministry, it might take you a minute. Ministry is full of things to remember, from the funny stories kids share to the life-changing decisions they make for Jesus. You'll have dozens of favorite...

How to Do an Annual Planning Meeting for Your Kids Ministry

How to Do an Annual Planning Meeting for Your Kids Ministry

In kids ministry, we all know what it’s like to leave our planning to the last possible second. Maybe you started planning that big event of yours a few weeks too late and now you’re scrambling to get it all done. Or maybe you’re halfway through the school year when...



How to Create Effective Church Event Registrations

How to Create Effective Church Event Registrations

So you've got a solid event idea and are ready to put it in the books. How do you start the planning process? How do you get as many people as possible to sign up and attend? We know church event registration and planning comes with a lot of moving...

5 Questions to Ask After Every Ministry Event

5 Questions to Ask After Every Ministry Event

Congratulations! You've just pulled off another successful event! You've taken out the trash, locked up the building, and now you're starting to wonder...what would I do next time? Taking the time to debrief your events is a key part of ministry. Without proper...

How to Nail Event Marketing: Your Comprehensive Guide to Success

How to Nail Event Marketing: Your Comprehensive Guide to Success

Marketing a church event and getting the word out is critical for getting a great turnout. We all know the basics of marketing an event—share the event's date, time, and location with families and volunteers. But is that all there is to marketing? You might notice...


6 Ways to Make Kids Ministry Games More Fun

6 Ways to Make Kids Ministry Games More Fun

One of our favorite ways to describe kids ministry is fun. We love having fun. We love fun activities, fun teaching, and fun people. No matter how old you are, we all gravitate toward fun. Fun isn't only helpful for making friends and new memories,...

How to Create Simple Church Games for Kids

How to Create Simple Church Games for Kids

If you've spent more than a few weeks in kids ministry, chances are you've played a lot of games. Games sit at the center of ministry because it gives kids (and leaders) a chance to make connections. When you're playing a game with a kid or watching...

Elevate Church Events: 5 Fun Outdoor Games for Children’s Ministry

Elevate Church Events: 5 Fun Outdoor Games for Children’s Ministry

If you're like most children's ministry leaders, you're always looking for new ways to keep your kids entertained. That's a pretty important part of your role. Not only are you responsible for helping kids grow their relationship with Jesus, but you have to do it in a...

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4 Kids’ Discipleship Activities from Grow Kids Volume 8

4 Kids’ Discipleship Activities from Grow Kids Volume 8

When it comes to helping kids grow in their faith, we believe there are four spiritual habits to target. These habits are the decisions, behaviors, and rhythms that help us grow spiritually over time. If you're like most people, when you hear "spiritual habit," you...

20 Ideas for Discipling Teenagers

20 Ideas for Discipling Teenagers

No matter how long you've been serving in youth ministry, one of the first things you hear about is discipleship—what it is, how to make it easier, and how to get teenagers to invest in discipleship on their own. At its core, discipleship is helping people grow and...

5 Ways to Help Kids Grow in Their Faith

5 Ways to Help Kids Grow in Their Faith

How much time do you spend thinking about how to help kids grow closer to Jesus? If you're a kids ministry leader, it's probably very often. Part of your role is discipleship, or helping kids develop their relationship with God. And as much as we might want it to,...

Free Resource! A Complete Children’s Ministry Event

Free Resource! A Complete Children’s Ministry Event

Events are the backbone of ministry. Every year, children's ministries work hard to create great events that do a few things... Get kids and their parents to connect. Introduce new families to their ministry or church. Give kids and families a safe place to have fun....

3 Steps to Take with Every New Volunteer

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We recently asked thousands of church leaders about their biggest struggles in ministry. Their answer? Volunteers. And not like, "We wish we had more!" (They do.) But more like... "We wish we knew what to do with them." Finding great volunteers is its own challenge,...