Youth Ministry Resources | Grow Curriculum
5 Ways to Celebrate Advent with Teenagers

5 Ways to Celebrate Advent with Teenagers

The Christmas season is a time for sharing memories, gathering with our loved ones, and a few last-minute trips to the store to buy those gifts you forgot about. But anyone who has ever wrapped a gift for a teenager knows Christmas is more than just a single day. The...








6 Ways to Make a Stage Backdrop

6 Ways to Make a Stage Backdrop

Whether your ministry meets in a single classroom, a large theater with a stage, or that DIY video studio you made to help you through the pandemic, we all want our spaces to look good, right? If your space looks thrown together or run down, it can distract the kids...

15 No-Prep Indoor Games for Your Church’s Youth Ministry

15 No-Prep Indoor Games for Your Church’s Youth Ministry

If you’re like most youth ministry people, you probably have a love/hate relationship with games. They’re a necessary ingredient to an engaging youth service, but between the supplies, the prep, and the instructions, they can take so much effort. So, you end up...

An Annual Strategy for Creating Engaging Youth Ministry Environments

An Annual Strategy for Creating Engaging Youth Ministry Environments

We all want to teach students about Jesus more effectively, but let’s be honest — it’s not always easy. It’s challenging enough to teach adults, but to teach teenagers whose brains are in different stages of development than our own is a challenge most of us were...

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3 Steps to Take with Every New Volunteer

3 Steps to Take with Every New Volunteer

We recently asked thousands of church leaders about their biggest struggles in ministry. Their answer? Volunteers. And not like, "We wish we had more!" (They do.) But more like... "We wish we knew what to do with them." Finding great volunteers is its own challenge,...

The Four Spiritual Habits for Kids

The Four Spiritual Habits for Kids

If you're an adult (or even a "professional" Christian), then the idea of spiritual habits is probably pretty familiar to you. Spiritual disciplines, quiet time, devotions... whatever you call it, you've probably established a few rhythms in your...

The Four Spiritual Habits for Teenagers

The Four Spiritual Habits for Teenagers

If you're an adult (or even a "professional" Christian), then the idea of spiritual habits is probably pretty familiar to you. Spiritual disciplines, quiet time, devotions... whatever you call it, you've probably established a few rhythms in your...

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The Olympics have started, and we want to give you some free gold from Grow! ? Okay, it’s not gold, but great events are basically gold in ministry. So, to help you celebrate the Olympics with your group, we're giving away one of our favorite kids...

An Olympic-themed Event for Your Youth Ministry

An Olympic-themed Event for Your Youth Ministry

The Olympics have started, and we want to give you some free gold from Grow! ? Okay, it’s not gold, but great events are basically gold in ministry. So, to help you celebrate the Olympics with your group, we're giving away one of our favorite...