WHO DIS? – MUSIC EDITION New Phone, who dis? Man, losing your contacts is the worst thing ever! You have all these people texting you and you have to figure out who they are. In this game contestants will try to guess which music artist is texting them before everyone else! Download Slides WHAT TO GET DOWNLOAD SLIDES. Make sure you download all slides and videos needed for this game. WHAT TO PREP PREPARE SLIDES. Make sure you load all the slides and videos into your presentation software. HOW TO PLAY HOOSE CONTESTANTS. Choose two to four contestants to come on stage and battle. WHO DIS? Start playing the first question, contestants can shout their answers as they think of them. The first contestant who says the correct answer gets a point. The contestant with the most points at the end wins! CHECK SOUND. Play the videos before the night to get the sound right. A song by the artist plays in the background and then gets louder when the answer is revealed. Make sure you have the volume set where you want it. You can have it playing softly or turned down while contestants are answering the questions and then just turn it up when the answer is revealed.