Games - Boot Soup - Grow Youth & Kids Ministry Curriculum

Games – Boot Soup

In this post, here’s what we’ll cover:

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Boot Soup


Rain boots do a really good job keeping your feet dry when it rains. But they’re also really good at keeping things in. In this relay-style game, contestants will put their feet into a boot full of slimy, gross items while running an obstacle course.

What To Get:

  • RAIN BOOTS. You’ll need one pair of boots for each team. The boots should be the largest size you can find so students can put their feet in.
  • FOOD. The more gross and slimy the foods, the better. Think eggs, sardines, oysters, chili, and milk. They don’t all have to be gross, just gross when combined.
  • OBSTACLES. You will need a few things to serve as obstacles. This can be anything from chairs to climb on, a table to climb under, or cones to run around. You will need at least four obstacles.
  • TARP. Depending on the obstacle items, you may want to have a tarp to drape on them to minimize mess.
  • PITCHER. You’ll need a pitcher for each team. This is will be used to measure which team has the most boot soup left.
  • TOWELS. This game is going to get messy, so make sure you have some towels for the players.

What To Prep:

  • OBSTACLE COURSE. Set up the obstacle course for your players. Make sure there is a clear start and finish line.
  • CHECK YOUR BOOTS. It’s a wise idea to check your boots for leaks.

How To Play:

  • CHOOSE TEAMS. Choose groups of four. Tell the teams to line up.
  • BOOT SOUP. Tell the first person on each team to put on the boots. Pour all of your gross, slimy items into the first person’s boot. Do this until each of the boots are filled to the brim.
  • RACE. When you say, “Go,” the first contestants must pass through the first obstacle, then they will carefully take the boots off and pass them to the next player. Then, that player will put on the boots and go through the next obstacle. Keep doing this until the last player reaches the finish line.
  • HOW MUCH BOOT SOUP. At the end of the obstacle course, each contestant will take their boots off and pour them into their pitcher. The first team to cross the line gets to add something to their boot, such as two more eggs or a can of sardines, so there is a reward for going fast. Teams can either go fast to get the reward, or go slowly to preserve all their boot soup. The team with the most boot soup in their pitcher at the end wins!


    Jeremiah Herring

    Get More Games.

    We know it’s hard to find (or create) quality youth group games, which is why we decided to put together the most incredible library of games we possibly could! The Grow Games and Icebreakers App has a library of more than 500+ games, and it’s always growing! There are team games, party games, screen games, team games, outdoor games, and indoor group games for youth ministry. All the games you could ever want, basically.

    This app is built for kids and youth ministry. All of our games are created by church leaders and ministry-tested!

    Plus, the games are fully customizable. Every game comes with graphics, instructions, and a place for you to add your notes, photos, videos, game categories, and game ratings. You can even submit your own original games if you have some you’re proud of!

    The app also comes with handy tools you might want to use during a game (or a sermon) like scoreboards, clocks, a prize wheel, polling capabilities, and a random name chooser.


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