Fall is the perfect time for a weekend retreat. Once September hits, summer has ended, and the routine of a new school year has begun, a fall retreat is an opportunity to maintain your ministry’s momentum from the beginning of the year. As schedules get busy and you begin competing with school programs and sports, a fall retreat will help your students stay connected.
When done well, a weekend retreat can refocus and rejuvenate both you and your students. It’s kind of like a cup of coffee at 2:00 pm — it’s just what you need to keep going.
And do you know the best part about a weekend retreat? It’s an opportunity to pack a ton of ministry into a short amount of time . . . without spending tons of money.
The right weekend retreat, when done strategically, will help your students . . .
connect with God.
connect with each other.
connect with your ministry.
We may not be able to do all the retreat-planning for you, but this resource is designed to give you just about everything you need to pull it off on your own.