page turner A 4-WEEK SERIES FROM THE NEW TESTAMENT ON jesus’ ministry Page-turners are exciting books, the kind you don’t want to put down, the kind you would stay up extra late to read. Books are exciting when we can find ourselves in the stories and imagine being a part of the adventure. This month we are going to look at some of the page-turning stories of the Bible. Each of these stories has something valuable to teach us about our patient and powerful God who prepares us to fight temptation and celebrates us, the heroes in our own real-life adventures! Week 1 BIG IDEA: God prepares us to fight temptation. SCRIPTURE: Luke 4:1-13; Psalm 91:9-16 Week 2 BIG IDEA: God is more powerful than evil.SCRIPTURE: Luke 9:37-43a; Psalm 27 Week 3 BIG IDEA: God is patient while we grow.SCRIPTURE: Luke 13:6-9; I Corinthians 10:12-13 Week 4 BIG IDEA: God celebrates us.SCRIPTURE: Luke 15:11b-32; II Corinthians 5:17-19